I created this course because I was getting so many requests to coach EFT therapists on how to do an intensive. I thought, “This is a huge need! Let's just do a live training and turn it into a course.” So I did! You'll see me walk through things to think about from screening all the way to follow up work. I updated the course on October 30, 2023, so it includes all the best practices I’ve learned since first releasing the original course three years ago. It also comes with paperwork templates and organizing tools to help get you started.

Click on the title or picture above to purchase the course. As a member of Superpower Alliance, you’re eligible for a 10% off discount! Just enter 10OFFSPRA for the discount code.

You're Not Crazy. You're Not Alone. Betrayal Trauma from a Bonding Science Perspective.

Here's my other e-course that was created out of a huge need. As I worked with betrayal trauma (infidelity, pornography addiction, etc) - I looked for resources for the injured partner. I found lots of unhelpful resources. I really wanted something from a Bonding Science perspective and it just wasn't out there. I created 37 videos and journal prompts to help validate and soothe the injured partner. I wanted people suffering from this to understand that what's happening has an explanation from a neuroscience perspective. I'm hoping it takes the shame out of their trauma responses. The videos are topic related and short. Someone in the wake of betrayal trauma can listen to it at their own pace and listen again to the ones that they need the most. The response from this video series has blown me away. Therapists are purchasing it more than anyone (even though it wasn't meant to be a training)! Also, the partner that stepped out of the relationship is benefitting! They have more compassion and get why their partner is acting "so crazy." For this reason, I've created a discount for therapists. Buy one video series and get one to give away to a client for free!

Click on the image or the title above and scroll to the bottom of the page to purchase the therapist deal.